Sustainable Running Speaker Series 🏃♀️

Sustainable Running Speaker Series 🏃♀️
Frontrunners is excited to announce a new 3-part, “classroom” series with Coach Willie McBride from The Wellness Movement For All covering key aspects of how to run and train sustainably with a holistic mindset.
Where? Keen Headquarters: 515 NW 13th Avenue Portland, Oregon
When? Thursdays: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
March 20th - Sustainable Running + Training Holistically
This covers the WWW (Why? What? Where?): Knowing truly why you’re doing something and choosing appropriate and genuinely exciting goals in places that inspire you is important to maintain motivation and momentum. Pushing your body and mind for the wrong reasons or continually choosing unattainable goals can lead to mental, physical, and/or emotional burnout. Training smart in these ways can help you thrive and, most importantly, keep moving for years to come.
April 17th - The Nutrition/Fueling Journey
How you fuel yourself and the various systems that keep you moving and functioning is an integral part of our daily lives, of course, and far more so if we’re active and really trying to get as much out of ourselves and bodies as we can! That said, there are many different approaches, beliefs, preferences and a whole variety of mixed results to make it tough sometimes to know how to properly fuel ourselves as the athletes we are. This event is meant to illuminate the myriad options at hand and touch on the many tentacles of this wide-ranging, oft-debated topic.
May 22nd - The Physical Body & Beyond: Cross Training, Mental Muscle, and more
The event touches on new topics and digs deeper into a few from the first event: the physical and mental importance of cross training and all the ways you can do that, how to train the most important muscle of all (the mind) and the exciting and vast potential of that strength, and where we should go and what we should do with all our new skills and fitness and mental toughness… It’s a big world and a short life, how are you going to spend your time?!